By Justin Michael Williams & Shelly Tygielski  



A look back from a future in which racism is no more—inspiring us to start taking positive action today.

"It's the year 2050… and racism has ended."

Could this really be our future? If so, what has to happen now to achieve such a radical change? In How We Ended Racism, Justin Michael Williams and Shelly Tygielski reveal a path for real and lasting global impact—not just talking about it, studying it, or making small steps, but actually ending racism in one generation.

Written for conservatives and liberals—and everyone in between. 

Williams and Tygielski draw from a wide array of scientific studies as well as their practical successes in teaching a multitude of diverse groups across perceived "divides" to show us how to shift our perspective and enact lasting change in our families, workplaces, communities, and beyond. Here they provide solid answers to the questions future generations will ask about this pivotal time in history by laying out the eight conditions that needed to arise in humanity to realize this possibility, covering:

  • How was it possible? The research on large-scale social change that showed racism could end
  • What were the first steps? Overcoming doubt, owning our emotions, and committing to truth
  • What were the biggest challenges? Shadow work, big conversations, and forgiveness
  • Which tools actually worked? The field-tested methods that allowed us to heal and connect
  • Who ended racism? How we—each of us—helped our culture evolve to make racism a thing of the past

"You don't fix racism. You don't fight it. You don't make it better. You end it."

Here is a book that dares to envision a world beyond typical diversity, equity, and inclusion work while providing tools and action steps to support a collective vision of a world without racism—so that our descendants can look back at this era as the time when we decided to end racism for the good of all.


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This book can renew your faith in The Dream and truly continues the legacy of my father.” 

 - Martin Luther King III

“Filled with deep insights and actionable strategies, this inspiring read by Justin Michael Williams and Shelly Tygielski presents the 8 Pillars of Possibility, paving the way for transformative conversations, and empowering us to shape a brighter future for all people.”

 - Arianna Huffington | Founder & CEO, Thrive Global

“How We Ended Racism transcends the rhetoric of division and hate, and gives us clear direction for how to create a better world for all. Yes, ending racism can happen in our lifetime. And this book is a guide to how."

 - Marianne Williamson | Author

“Brilliant and visionary, Williams and Tygielski are midwives to the world we dream. They shift our focus from the forces we are fighting against to the future we are fighting for."

 - Valarie Kaur | Civil Rights Leader, Founder of the Revolutionary Love Project, & Bestselling Author of See No Stranger

“My initial internal reaction to seeing the title was the truest testament to the healing this book offers. I immediately got defensive and started listing off reasons why racism wouldn't end in my lifetime. Reading through the book shifted my perspective and opened my mind to new possibilities.”

 - Shelah Marie | Author of Positive You & the forthcoming book, Unruly, Founder of the "Curvy, Curly, Conscious" Community

“I remember a time in America where many of us believed that we could possibly see an end to racism someday. While our present age has dashed most of those hopes, Shelly and Justin have, in this unforgettable text, resurrected the possibility, and created a clear path forward that we simply must consider. This is the most important book of the year."

 - Shaun King | Founder of The Grassroots Law Project

“Tygielski and Williams offer a way forward to end racism that turns the seemingly impossible into a real possibility."

 - Sharon Salzberg | NY Times Bestselling Author of Real Happiness & World-Renowned Mindfulness Teacher

“This is the book I’ve been waiting for! A roadmap for visionary activism, How We Ended Racism teaches a clear way to do this with compassion, empathy, and connection across the divides."

 - Sianna Sherman | International Yoga Teacher

“A high-resolution blueprint for building the future world we need right now."

 - Jon Kabat-Zinn | Founder of MBSR, Author of Coming to Our Senses

“This important work serves as a guide for the fulfillment of a timeless dream that our family has been relentlessly working toward: the end of racism.”

 - Arndrea Waters King | President, The Drum Major Institute


This book can renew your faith in The Dream and truly continues the legacy of my father.” 

 - Martin Luther King III

“Filled with deep insights and actionable strategies, this inspiring read by Justin Michael Williams and Shelly Tygielski presents the 8 Pillars of Possibility, paving the way for transformative conversations, and empowering us to shape a brighter future for all people.”

 - Arianna Huffington | Founder & CEO, Thrive Global

“How We Ended Racism transcends the rhetoric of division and hate, and gives us clear direction for how to create a better world for all. Yes, ending racism can happen in our lifetime. And this book is a guide to how."

 - Marianne Williamson | Author

“Brilliant and visionary, Williams and Tygielski are midwives to the world we dream. They shift our focus from the forces we are fighting against to the future we are fighting for."

 - Valarie Kaur | Civil Rights Leader, Founder of the Revolutionary Love Project, & Bestselling Author of See No Stranger

“My initial internal reaction to seeing the title was the truest testament to the healing this book offers. I immediately got defensive and started listing off reasons why racism wouldn't end in my lifetime. Reading through the book shifted my perspective and opened my mind to new possibilities.”

 - Shelah Marie | Author of Positive You & the forthcoming book, Unruly, Founder of the "Curvy, Curly, Conscious" Community

“I remember a time in America where many of us believed that we could possibly see an end to racism someday. While our present age has dashed most of those hopes, Shelly and Justin have, in this unforgettable text, resurrected the possibility, and created a clear path forward that we simply must consider. This is the most important book of the year."

 - Shaun King | Founder of The Grassroots Law Project

“Tygielski and Williams offer a way forward to end racism that turns the seemingly impossible into a real possibility.” 

 - Sharon Salzberg | NY Times Bestselling Author of Real Happiness & World-Renowned Mindfulness Teacher

“This is the book I’ve been waiting for! A roadmap for visionary activism, How We Ended Racism teaches a clear way to do this with compassion, empathy, and connection across the divides."

 - Sianna Sherman | International Yoga Teacher

“A high-resolution blueprint for building the future world we need right now."

 - Jon Kabat-Zinn | Founder of MBSR, Author of Coming to Our Senses

“This important work serves as a guide for the fulfillment of a timeless dream that our family has been relentlessly working toward: the end of racism.”

 - Arndrea Waters King | President, The Drum Major Institute


The 8 Pillars of Possibility

We Anchored Into a New Vision

We learn how to lean into a collective vision, shifting our thinking by understanding the fundamental difference between creating from our limitations of the past and present (which is what we normally do) and creating from the possibilities of our future.

We Agreed on the Truth

We explore fundamental questions and concepts about the concept of truth, what it is and what it isn’t, while providing tools for you to dig into your truth - all of it.

We Owned Our Emotions

We deepen our understanding of our own emotions in order to deepen our connection to ourselves and to others. Then, we closely examine the emotions we associate with race and racism.

We Became Intraconnected

We understand the difference between being intraconnected and interconnection, and we explore our relationship to wholeness.

We Did Shadow Work

We seek to understand our shadow, freeing ourselves from the stronghold of our habits and patterns - especially those that are subconscious -  so that they no longer control our destiny. We lean into intergenerational change and commit to understanding “The Big P” (privilege) in a clear manner and grapple with our doubts.

We Practiced Forgiveness

We learn about what forgiveness is and each of its core elements, as well as how to offer forgiveness, ask for forgiveness, and make amends.

We Had Big Conversations

We learn the difference between calling people forward instead of calling people out, the fundamental building blocks of learning to engage in difficult conversations that are productive. We learn how to use a tool called SUSS It Out, which helps us navigate through this while still creating boundaries.

We Took Action

We begin to connect the inner work to the outer world in a tangible way, identifying a project and actionable next steps to contribute in ways - small and large.



Justin Michael Williams

Justin Michael Williams brings people together across divides with a multigenerational message of hope, empowerment, and unity. He is an award-winning speaker, Grammy®-nominated recording artist, and author of Stay Woke: A Meditation Guide for the Rest of Us and How We Ended Racism (with Shelly Tygielski).

For more, visit

Shelly Tygielski

Shelly Tygielski is a trauma-informed mindfulness teacher, speaker, and activist. She founded the CNN Hero-featured global grassroots organization Pandemic of Love, is the co-host and executive producer of the television series All Hands on Deck, and is the author of Sit Down to Rise Up and How We Ended Racism (with Justin Michael Williams).

For more, visit

Justin & Shelly have been featured by:


Justin Michael Williams

Justin Michael Williams brings people together across divides with a multigenerational message of hope, empowerment, and unity. He is an award-winning speaker, Grammy®-nominated recording artist, and author of Stay Woke: A Meditation Guide for the Rest of Us and How We Ended Racism (with Shelly Tygielski).

For more, visit

Shelly Tygielski

Shelly Tygielski is a trauma-informed mindfulness teacher, speaker, and activist. She founded the CNN Hero-featured global grassroots organization Pandemic of Love, is the co-host and executive producer of the television series All Hands on Deck, and is the author of Sit Down to Rise Up and How We Ended Racism (with Justin Michael Williams).

For more, visit

Justin & Shelly have been featured by:


Presentation and Workshop Topics Include:
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Shelly Tygielski

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For media inquiries, please contact:

Mike Onorato
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Justin Michael Williams

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For media inquiries, please contact:

Mike Onorato
[email protected]

Shelly Tygielski

[email protected]

Justin Michael Williams

[email protected]